How to View Which Colleges You've Sent Your Sat Score to
Are you putting together your college application list? One factor you might not have considered is which schools require you to send your entire SAT testing record. Unfortunately, you can't always hide your rotten SAT scores! So if you have some less-than-stellar scores, you might avoid (or at least think carefully) before applying to those schools. We have a complete list of which schools require your complete SAT testing record. Read on for this list as well as exclusive advice for applying to these schools. As a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, many schools are breaking with their normal testing policies and going test optional for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 application seasons. That means schools with temporary test-optional policies will not require you to send your SAT scores as part of your admissions application, and not submitting SAT scores will not adversely impact your chances of getting in. Check out this article for more a list of every school that's temporarily test optional during the COVID-19 epidemic. Nearly all colleges require you to send at least one SAT or ACT score as part of your application for admission. But colleges differ on how they handle students with multiple sets of scores—for example, if you had two sets of SAT scores. Some colleges require you to send your entire SAT or ACT testing record, even if that means sending not-so-great scores. (This does not apply to any tests taken in middle school (7th/8th grade) or earlier as part of a talent-search program.) Other colleges do not require you to send your full testing record (though they often recommend it anyway). At these schools, you can take advantage of SAT's Score Choice policy, which allows you to send only your best scores. So what happens if you want to apply to a college that requires all SAT scores? What could be the benefits and drawbacks of revealing your entire testing record? You might be wondering why it matters if colleges see all of your SAT scores. Couldn't it help your chances of admission if colleges see your complete testing record, including your highest section scores? Indeed, colleges consider the entire testing history when it's given, generally paying most attention to your highest scores achieved. However, when colleges specifically require you to send all of your scores, this means they're considering your lower scores as well. They aren't just looking for low scores and throwing your application out, but the higher all of your scores are, the better. Back when I was contacting colleges to conduct research for our new SAT investigation, I asked dozens of admissions officers if members of the class of 2018 could take the SAT and submit it for admission. This would mean taking the SAT early, during or before sophomore year. Many of the admissions officers cautioned against taking the SAT that young. "We're still going to see those scores," an admissions officer from Cornell told me, implying that potentially lower scores could, in fact, hurt your application. While I want to take colleges at their word that even if they require all scores they only look at the highest ones, they wouldn't require all scores to be sent unless they wanted to consider them all—including the lower ones. Whatever you do, don't wing the SAT. Careful preparation is key! If you're applying to schools that require all SAT scores, you need to be very careful each time you take the SAT because you will have to send any scores you get, even if they're low. If you're reading this and aren't sure which schools you're applying to yet, we recommend taking a careful look at the schools that require you to send all scores. If any of the schools might be a top choice for you, adjust your test-taking policy accordingly. In general, we only recommend taking (or retaking) the SAT after you've studied and are certain you'll get a decent score. But you'll have to be extra careful if you're applying to an "all scores" school. Don't take the SAT for the first time as practice, or to get used to the test. Colleges will see your "practice score." (Not to mention it's a waste of money to take the test for this reason only!) We recommend taking the PSAT your sophomore and/or junior year to get the experience of taking the SAT and to receive a score without compromising your actual SAT score. Also, make taking strictly timed, full-length SAT practice tests part of your study regimen so that when you sit down to take the SAT for real, it won't feel as though it's your first time taking it. If you have to retake the SAT, be sure to continue to study for both sections (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Math), even if you're only trying to bring up one section's score. You wouldn't want the score from your other section to drop dramatically on a retake! For more tips on how to study effectively, read our guides on how long you should study for the SAT and how to set an SAT target score. By keeping this advice in mind and only taking the SAT after careful studying, you should be able to apply to "all scores" schools without worrying about lower scores weakening your application. Before we get to the complete list of colleges that require all SAT scores, we'll highlight some top schools you might be interested in. We include quotes from their admissions websites to give you an idea as to how serious they are about their scoring policies. Bold emphasis is mine. Note that each of these schools is test optional for 2021-2022 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. "Georgetown University does not participate in the Score Choice option available through the College Board. Georgetown requires that you submit scores from all test sittings of the SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests." Georgetown is unique among top universities in the US in that it requires you to send every single SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject test scores in with your application. Most schools that require all scores sent only want to see all ACT or all SAT scores. While Rice doesn'trequirestudents to submit all of their test scores, it's strongly encouraged. Here's the school's policy: When reviewing SAT and ACT scores, we use the highest score from each section across all administrations. We encourage students to report all scores knowing that we will recombine the sections to get the best possible set of scores for each candidate. Penn used to require all scores but has since altered its policy somewhat: "Although we permit Score Choice, we encourage students to submit their entire testing history for both ACT and SAT exams." Ready to go beyond just reading about the SAT? Then you'll love the free five-day trial for our SAT Complete Prep program. Designed and written by PrepScholar SAT experts, our SAT program customizes to your skill level in over 40 subskills so that you can focus your studying on what will get you the biggest score gains. Click on the button below to try it out! Below is the complete list of four-year colleges and universities that require you to send all SAT scores, grouped by state. Look through this list carefully. If any of the schools here are your top choices, that means you need to be especially careful about SAT retakes. For a complete list of all colleges (including community colleges) that require all SAT scores, check out the official College Board PDF. If your school has started requiring all SAT scores are sent and theyaren'tlisted, be sure to tell us in the comments! Not sure if you need to retake the SAT or ACT? Find out what a good, bad, or excellent SAT/ACT score is based on the schools you are applying to. If your score falls short, consider a retake. Need tips for studying? Get a rundown of the overall best strategies to use for the SAT. For SAT/ACT resources, check out the best SAT/ACT study websites you should be using. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
UPDATE: Schools Not Requiring Test Scores During COVID-19
Sending SAT Scores to Schools: All Scores vs. Score Choice
What Difference Could Sending All SAT Scores Make?
How Does Sending All SAT Scores Affect Your Test-Taking Strategy?
Notable Colleges That Require You to Send All SAT Scores
Georgetown University
Rice University
University of Pennsylvania
Complete List of Colleges That Require All SAT Scores
School Name City State University of North Alabama Florence AL Southern Arkansas University Magnolia AR University of Arkansas at Little Rock Little Rock AR Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego CA Soka University of America Aliso Viejo CA University of Colorado Denver Denver CO Holy Apostles College and Seminary Cromwell CT Yale University New Haven CT Georgetown University Washington DC Howard University Washington DC Delaware State University Dover DE Barry University Miami Shores FL Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Tallahassee FL Southeastern University Lakeland FL Fort Valley State University Fort Valley GA Dordt College Sioux Center IA MacMurray College Jacksonville IL Olivet Nazarene University Bourbonnais IL Saint Xavier University Chicago IL Trinity Christian College Palos Heights IL Grace College Winona Lake IN Indiana Wesleyan University Marion IN Oakland City University Oakland City IN University of Saint Francis Fort Wayne IN Kansas Wesleyan University Salina KS University of Saint Mary Leavenworth KS Kentucky Christian University Grayson KY Grambling State University Grambling LA Louisiana State University of Alexandria Alexandria LA Louisiana State University Shreveport Shreveport LA Nicholls State University Thibodaux LA University of Louisiana at Monroe Monroe LA University of Massachusetts Lowell Lowell MA University of Maryland College Park MD Andrews University Berrien Springs MI Cornerstone University Grand Rapids MI Sacred Heart Major Seminary Detroit MI Oak Hills Christian College Bemidji MN Central Methodist University Fayette MO Saint Louis University St. Louis MO Blue Mountain College Blue Mountain MS William Carey University Hattiesburg MS University of North Carolina at Charlotte Charlotte NC University of Jamestown Jamestown ND Mayville State University Mayville ND Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Galloway NJ Barnard College New York NY City College of New York New York NY Colgate University Hamilton NY Cooper Union New York NY Cornell University Ithaca NY Hunter College New York NY Long Island University Brooklyn New York NY New York School of Interior Design New York NY Queens College (City University of New York) Flushing NY Syracuse University Syracuse NY United States Merchant Marine Academy Kings Point NY Art Academy of Cincinnati Cincinnati OH Cameron University Lawton OK East Central University Ada OK Rogers State University Claremore OK Southwestern Oklahoma State University Weatherford OK Western Oregon University Monmouth OR Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana PA Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Shippensburg PA University of Puerto Rico at Cayey Cayey PR University of Puerto Rico at Humacao Humacao PR University of Puerto Rico at Ponce Ponce PR Columbia International University Columbia SC The Citadel Charleston SC Tennessee Technological University Cookeville TN Dallas Christian College Dallas TX Howard Payne University Brownwood TX LeTourneau University Longview TX Midwestern State University Wichita Falls TX Rice University Houston TX St. Edward's University Austin TX Tarleton State University Stephenville TX Texas A&M University College Station TX Texas A&M University—Kingsville Kingsville TX Texas Wesleyan University Fort Worth TX University of Texas at Brownsville Brownsville TX Neumont University Salt Lake City UT Utah State University Logan UT Castleton State College Castleton VT Washington State University Pullman WA University of Wisconsin—Platteville Platteville WI Alderson-Broaddus College Philippi WV Fairmont State University Fairmont WV West Virginia University Institute of Technology Montgomery WV What's Next?
About the Author
Halle Edwards graduated from Stanford University with honors. In high school, she earned 99th percentile ACT scores as well as 99th percentile scores on SAT subject tests. She also took nine AP classes, earning a perfect score of 5 on seven AP tests. As a graduate of a large public high school who tackled the college admission process largely on her own, she is passionate about helping high school students from different backgrounds get the knowledge they need to be successful in the college admissions process.
How to View Which Colleges You've Sent Your Sat Score to