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2013 Ford Raptor Installed Roush Supercharger Now Transmission Acting Funny

  • #1

I recently purchased a 2013 Raptor 6.2L with a Roush S/C Cold air and exhaust.
The vehicle has not had the Ford Recall 19S07 - 6R80 Sudden Transmission Downshift.

Can Anyone out there explain the proper procedure to get my PCM restored to factory? patched? and then updated with a new Roush tune?... which of course is necessary with my Roush system?

Should there be ANY reason why a Roush certified Ford dealership would be unable to complete what sounds like a simple but time consuming service. I know a new Roush tune voucher needs to be available and was along with a Roush tech on the phone.

I drove away from the Ford dealership with a new Roush tune BUT the recall was unable to be completed and removed from Ford database vehicle history....because they NEVER did the recall.

What am I missing here? I am in a vicious circle here and at the mercy of Ford Service Department.

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  • #2


Get the JDM Tune, it has more power, far better Tranns shift staggery and has the update.
You'll have your Tune in hand and the SCT X4 will back up the Tune that's on it.
You can adjust tire pressure warning, adjust for different tire size, add and remove Timing if you want
and remove the speed limiter!!!
You won't be at the mercy of the dealership and Roush any longer.

If you have the basic Roush stage II you're only at 590HP

Their only a 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. from us.

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  • #4

First I don't believe these are mandatory recalls.
I think your over thinking this in my opinion but I'm not you.
Just double check with JDM before following my advice.
If you have your email tune from JDM, just flash back to stock with your X4 so you have the JDM Tune back on the X4 and just let the dealer reflash your OEM stock Tune from Ford's database, it will run just don't drive it to far if they don't let you flash back to the JDM Tune before leaving the dealer.
Once they have finished with their nonsense, just flash the JDM Tune back on the truck.

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  • #6

Hassett Ford in Wantqueg (I know I didn't spell that right, LOL)
They were mod friendly, they are a authorized Whipple and Roush dealer/installer.
But their top SVT Tech is no longer working at that dealership last I heard.
Had my Whipple installed by them and when the crappy stock oil pump gears shattered they took care of me with cost of a new engine.

You need to do a battery disconnect every time some kind of change is being done.
This forces a reset of learning cycle, and shouldn't drive erratic for a couple of days.
It's 50 miles for fuel trim and up to 300 miles for a full trans cycle.

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  • #7

Funny you mention a battery cycle. I changed the SC oil before it started really acting funny. I had to remove the battery cable to be safe working with the alternator. My guess is the dealership never cycled the battery after the new tune and somehow I lost or corrupted the tune? Days after the service call! I am sure it is standard practice to cycle the Battery, and they didn't. (my guess)

The video and link below shows the importance and procedure of the Molded Lead Frame recall and the dangers involved with it not getting done. I have had this issue happen yesterday and a few times in the past it's not good. Stuff wants to tear itself apart. My truck is now showing the codes to get this addressed by Ford. I guess.

I could probably load my JDM tune back onto the truck but i need the dealership to see the codes for the recall that are showing. I'll call JDM Monday. My last best chance of getting a Ford dealer to step up, is to bring it to JDM and their local Ford dealership that knows something about something. I hate driving to Jersey...

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  • #9


@Gman , I went through this with my Roush 2013. What the dealership told me was I had to remove my PCM so they could send to Roush. I told them never mind and replaced lead frame myself and never looked back. Tranny ran like a top after that. Sold the truck with 120K and never an issue.
